An overall rise in the citation parameters used in the metrics of scientific publications (i.e. journal impact factor, JIF) has taken place since the last decade of the previous century, coinciding with the electronic distribution of (and access to) scientific literature. This inflation like tendency is herein analyzed in the area of Materials Science and also affects the number of publications. Considering average JIF values, its growth is proportional to the number of publications in the area and to its JIF value, leading to an inhomogeneous boost that preferentially benefits those journals with high JIF. An elevation in the number of publications per year alone cannot explain this behavior but it occurs due to a continuous and widespread increment in the number of citations per article, which only remains limited when restrictions are applied by journals to the maximum number of pages per article. In this work we observe this positive correlation between the increase in the number of references per article and the overall increase in JIF but, in our analysis, a kink point is observed in consistency with the appearance of online databases, particularly those free available in 2004. Online databases along with the widespread of open access publishing option made the research content easily available to the scientific community contributing to an increasing trend (without apparent saturation) in the number of articles used to contextualize the new scientific contributions.