The results of research for 2014–2016 on the effectiveness of methods of basic sod processing of oldage crops of perennial grasses in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia on leached medium-sized medium-humus medium-loamy chernozem are presented. The purpose of the research is to optimize the methods of basic processing of sod, to establish their effect on the reserves of productive moisture in the soil and the productivity of reservoir culture. It was found that the maximum yield of the reservoir crop was obtained when plowing grass stands in the autumn. The collection of the green mass of the stratum culture oats for the next year amounted to 173 kg/ha, grain 22.7 kg/ha and was ensured by improving the moisture supply of crops (+31...51% in the soil layer 0-20 cm), higher germination (+21...35%) and the height of oat plants (+4...23%). The cost of obtaining products amounted to 6429 rubles / ha, profitability of 253%. Autumn treatment with a continuous-action Tornado herbicide (isopropylamine salt, 360 g/l acid, application rate of 2 l/ha) followed by disking in two tracks in spring reduces the yield of green mass by 17%, grain by 8% and can be recommended when malicious root weeds – wheatgrass, osota species and etc. After treatment, the proportion of weeds in the reservoir crops did not exceed 2% (annual species). Processing costs amounted to 8859 rubles/ ha, profitability of 135%. Spring cutting of the BDT-3 turf in two traces reduces the collection of green mass by 42% compared with autumn plowing, grain by 48% due to a decrease in soil moisture in the root layer (0-20cm) in spring by 31-51%, field germination by 30%, plant height by 23% with maximum clogging indicators in the experiment – 14-24 pcs/m2 or 5.6%. The costs amounted to 4,698 rubles/ha, with a profitability of 151%.