The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of bronchial asthma among workers in JK cement factory of Kashmir. Introduction: Occupational asthma refers to asthma induced by exposure in the working environment to airborne dusts, vapors, or fumes, with or without preexisting asthma.. Over 250 materials encountered at the workplace can cause occupational asthma, which accounts for about 15% of all asthma cases. Methodology: Descriptive research design and a sample of 50 workers were selected in JK cement factory of Kashmir by total enumerative sampling technique. Self-Structured interview schedule was used for data collection and data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using chi-square and t-test.
Results:The findings revealed that knowledge mean score was 7.00, median 7.50, standard deviation 2.25 and minimum score 5, maximum score 19 and range 14 at p≤ 0.05.Significant association of pretest knowledge score was found with duration of exposure and no significant association was found with age, educational status at (p<0.05 ).
Conclusion:The findings of the study concluded that the pretest assessment was not satisfied in terms of knowledge which emphasis that there is need to impart planned teaching programme on knowledge among cement workers regarding prevention of bronchial asthma.