Introduction. The study of disorders that develop in the immune system under the influence of technogenic factors remains a very urgent problem. Aim. To identify criteria for the impact of trigger dust fractions of the atmospheric air in Vladivostok (in the ranges: 0-1, 1-10, 10-50, 50-100, 100-400, 400-700, >700 microns) on the human immune system with respiratory diseases. Materials and methods. The objects of the study were the fractional composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the air of Vladivostok and the immune system of residents with bronchopulmonary pathology. The study included 320 people: patients with asthma − 112, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) of a stable course − 107, healthy people − 101. Using the multiple correlation, the indicators characterizing the integral response of the immune system parameters to the impact of SPM were determined. Results. The results obtained for the groups of subjects showed a difference in the number of factors of influence and immune responses to their influence. Dust fractions of the air form the greatest pathogenic effect in individuals with COPD. There is a negative reaction to all the studied dust fractions, however, the reaction of the immune system is maximum in the range from 0 to 100 microns (Nr =13, Dp %=0.13-0.19%). For the individuals with asthma, the maximum pathogenic effect is exerted by nanofractions of 0-1 μm (Nr =4, Dp =0.2%). Conclusion. Dust fractions negatively affect the immune system of all studied cohorts of the population of Vladivostok. However, in the individuals with respiratory diseases, dust air pollution causes a more pronounced response of the immune system.