Mason, Nicholas P., Merete Petersen, Christian Mé lot, Bakyt Imanow, Olga Matveykine, Marie-Therese Gautier, Akpay Sarybaev, Almaz Aldashev, Mirsaid M. Mirrakhimov, Brian H. Brown, Andrew D. Leathard, and Robert Naeije. Serial changes in nasal potential difference and lung electrical impedance tomography at high altitude. J Appl Physiol 94: 2043-2050, 2003. First published December 6, 2002 10.1152 10. /japplphysiol.00777.2002 work suggests that treatment with inhaled 2-agonists reduces the incidence of high-altitude pulmonary edema in susceptible subjects by increasing respiratory epithelial sodium transport. We estimated respiratory epithelial ion transport by transepithelial nasal potential difference (NPD) measurements in 20 normal male subjects before, during, and after a stay at 3,800 m. NPD hyperpolarized on ascent to 3,800 m (P Ͻ 0.05), but the change in potential difference with superperfusion of amiloride or isoprenaline was unaffected. Vital capacity (VC) fell on ascent to 3,800 m (P Ͻ 0.05), as did the normalized change in electrical impedance (NCI) measured over the right lung parenchyma (P Ͻ 0.05) suggestive of an increase in extravascular lung water. EchoDoppler-estimated pulmonary artery pressure increases were insufficient to cause clinical pulmonary edema. There was a positive correlation between VC and NCI (R 2 ϭ 0.633) and between NPD and both VC and NCI (R 2 ϭ 0.267 and 0.418). These changes suggest that altered respiratory epithelial ion transport might play a role in the development of subclinical pulmonary edema at high altitude in normal subjects. pulmonary edema; hypobaric hypoxia ALTHOUGH ONLY A MINORITY OF those who go to high altitude develop the potentially fatal condition of highaltitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), there is increasing evidence that the majority of people ascending to altitude may develop subclinical pulmonary edema (9). Forced vital capacity (FVC) falls on ascent to high altitude and is thought to be primarily due to subclinical pulmonary edema (32). The control of pulmonary extravascular lung water (EVLW) has traditionally been attributed to the interplay of Starling forces, with the pulmonary capillary pressure attributed the major regulatory role. It is now realized that sodium transport across the respiratory epithelium plays an important role in the removal of alveolar water (34) and that an intact epithelial barrier is necessary for the resolution of alveolar edema (35). Hypoxia reduces epithelial sodium transport in cultured rat alveolar epithelial monolayers (29) and decreases the expression of alveolar epithelial ion transport proteins (8). In addition, treatment of HAPE-susceptible individuals with inhaled  2 -agonists, which are known to increase transepithelial sodium transport, decreases pulmonary edema without any effect on pulmonary hemodynamics (44).Measurement of alveolar ion transport in vivo in human subjects is not feasible; however, measurement of the potential difference (PD) generated by ion transport in the nasal mucosa can be used as a marker...