R eCeNt fertilization strategies in the world show that the use of environment safe fertilizers is of great importance to decrease the harmful effects of fertilizers on environment and human health, especially in the newly reclaimed soils. therefore, this study was carried out to evaluate the effect of some environmental safe fertilizers (i.e., organic and bio fertilizers) in different sources on sandy soil productivity of peanut plants (Arachis hypogaea L.). the used organic fertilizers were farmyard manure (FYM), solid plant compost (SPC), enriched compost tea with humic substances (eCt) and mixture of FYM and eCt, while the used bio-fertilizers were B1 (Azospirillum braselinse+ Bacillus megatherium + Azotobacter chroococcum) and B2 (Bradyrhizobium sp. USDA 3456+ Serratia marcescens MH6+ Psuedomonas fluorescens IFO 2034. the obtained data showed the superior increase effect of eCt followed by FYM+eCt applications straw, pods and seed yields straw and seeds contents of N, P and K as well as seeds contents of protein and oil. Similar increase for all determined parameters were found in the plants inoculated by B2 compared to that with B1. thus, use of both organic and bio-fertilizers in the fertilization strategy of sandy soil is very important and also may be economically.