Technological advances in radiation delivery and treatment planning have notably improved the shaping of high dose regions to the surface of tumour volumes and this conformal precision also reduces dose to organs-at-risk. 1 However, treatments of tumours close to sensitive structures, such as the central nervous system, as well paediatric cancers are still compromised by the upper tolerance dose of normal tissue structures. Finding novel approaches that reduce normal tissue damage is of utmost importance. This is the case for the utilization of distinct spatial dose distributions, commonly referred to as spatially fractionated radiation therapy (SFRT). In SFRT, irradiation is performed by using highly spatially modulated beams, as illustrated in Figure 1. The dose profiles on the beam entrance side consist of peaks and valleys in contrast to homogeneous profiles in standard radiation therapy (RT). The beams may be spatially fractionated in one or two directions, referred to as micro/ minibeams (Figure 1a) and GRID (Figure 1b), respectively. The concept of SFRT was first introduced in 1909 by German physician, Alban Köhler, 2,3 to achieve better skin sparing for deep seated tumours. The value of GRID or Sieve therapy for the treatment of difficult cases without risk of skin necrosis was further reported in the 1950s. 4-7 The advent of megavoltage beams for RT, providing higher penetration and better skin sparing, resulted in SFRT to be consigned to oblivion for several decades. GRID therapy was "rediscovered" in the 1970s using Co-60 units 8,9 and later in the 1990s by using megavoltage beams provided by medical linear accelerators (linacs). 10 Linac-based grid therapy is still in use at a few hospitals in the USA, recently also with clinical proton beams, 11,12 to deliver large, single fraction doses to patients with bulky tumours to shrink or palliate the disease with minimum damage to normal tissues. 13-18 In parallel developments, pre-clinical research was carried out by Curtis, Zeman and co-workers 19-21 at Brookhaven National Laboratory, starting in 1959, in the context of studies on the possible biological effects of cosmic radiation. They observed a highly non-linear inverse relationship between radiosensitivity and tissue volume exposed. The experiment they conducted involved irradiation of mouse brains with a deuteron beam of varying sizes and