1 Uni ver sity of Tech nol ogy and Life Sci ences, Fac ulty of Ag ri cul ture and Bio tech nol ogy, De part ment of Soil Sci ence and Soil Pro tec tion, Bernardyñska 6, 85-029 Bydgoszcz, Po land Jaworska, H., D¹bkowska-Naskrêt, H., Kobierski, M., 2014. The in flu ence of litho-and pedogenic pro cesses on Luvisols forma tion of se lected area of Vistula Gla ci ation. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 58 (4): 685-694, doi: 10.7306/gq.1175The ob jec tive of the study was to de ter mine the ef fect of litho-and pedogenic pro cesses on soils of the se lected area of Vistula Gla ci ation, based on pro file dis tri bu tion of unweathered com po nents such as ti ta nium, zir co nium and sil ica in re la tion to their mor phol ogy, min er al ogy, micromorphology and physicochemical prop er ties. The pre dom i nant type of soil in the study area are Luvisols. Anal y sis of tex ture al lowed to clas sify the in ves ti gated soils to sandy silts with loamy ma te rial as their sub soil. In the bulk soil sil ica dom i nates and its con tent was in the range 71.4 to 88.6%. The con tent of TiO 2 within the pro files is fairy sim i lar, with out clear pat terns in the pro file dis tri bu tion. The to tal con tent of zir co nium in the sam ples was in range of 95.13 to 212.15 mg ´ kg -1 . In the pro file dis tri bu tion of zir co nium higher con tent of Zr was ob served in the up per ho ri zons com pared to the top layer in all of the ana lysed pro files, in di cat ing dif fer ent or i gin of soil ma te rial. Sta tis ti cal anal y sis showed pos i tive cor re lation be tween the to tal con tent of zir co nium and the con tent of frac tion AE 0.05-0.002 mm (cor re la tion co ef fi cient value: 0.692384; sig nif i cance level -p < 0.05) and neg a tive cor re la tion be tween zir co nium and clay con tent (cor re la tion co ef fi cient: -0.668157; p < 0.05). The lith o logic dis con ti nu ity within pro files of the in ves ti gated soils has been ad di tion ally has proved by X-ray anal y sis of the clay frac tion. The micromorphological anal y sis con firmed the com plex gen e sis of the stud ied soils. The results of the study clearly showed an over all inhomogeneity and strat i fi ca tion of the soils. Stud ied Luvisols did not form as weather ing prod uct of ho mo ge neous bed rock. Changes in granulometric and chem i cal com po si tion within soil pro files are the con se quence of translocation of clay frac tion dur ing lessivage as well as lith o logic dis con ti nu ity of the solum.