One of the important goals of current research is to find a balance between the diversity of grass covers and their economically sustainable use for farming purposes. The aim of this study was to find relationships between the number of species (N), the Shannon-Wiener index (H), the forage value of vegetation (FV) and the proportion of grasses (G), legumes (L) and other forbs (F). Eleven extensively grazed pasture vegetations, located at the foothills of Šumava and Nové Hrady mountain ranges in South Bohemia, were selected with permanent plots marked out for phytosociological monitoring.The results proved a statistically confirmed positive correlation between the N and H factors and a negative correlation between these two diversity indicators and the forage value of vegetation. Pasture vegetations are significantly influenced by the proportion of grasses, legumes and other forbs. The average number of species and the Shannon-Wiener index increases with the growing proportion of other forbs while the forage value decreases. The observed pasture vegetations were predominantly evaluated as "good/valuable" and "very good/most valuable". , 2015, 16(1), p.225-234 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/16.1.1570 porostů v šumavském a novohradském podhůří v jižních Čechách, na kterých byly vytyčeny trvalé plochy pro fytocenologické snímkování. Výsledky potvrdily statisticky průkaznou pozitivní korelaci mezi N a H a negativní korelaci těchto dvou ukazatelů diverzity k pícninářské hodnotě. Na pastevní porost má podstatný vliv poměr trav, leguminóz a bylin. Průměrný počet druhů a Shannon index s rostoucí pokryvností bylin stoupá, zatímco pícninářská hodnota klesá. Sledované pastevní porosty byly převážně vyhodnoceny jako dobré a velmi dobré.European Agriculture, 2015, 16(1), p.225-234 225 Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2015, 16(1), p.225-234 225 Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2015, 16(1), p.225-234 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/16.1.1570 225 Journal of Central European Agriculture