Percutaneous coronary intervention Coronary angiography a b s t r a c tThis study aimed to make a profile of patients at highest risk of developing contrast induced nephropathy (CIN) in order to take appropriate prevention measures. 591 patients undergoing coronary procedures were divided into two groups: patients with (CIN-group) and without (no-CIN) an increase in creatinine level equal or more than 25% from baseline values within 24e48 h after the coronary procedure. All patients underwent an accurate anamnesis, objective exam, hematochemical measurements, and diagnostic exams. The results of this study while confirming that, average age ( p ¼ 0.01), diabetes mellitus
IntroductionContrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is the third leading cause of hospital-acquired acute renal failure, accounting for 10% of all cases of hospital-acquired renal failure. 1 It is commonly defined as an acute deterioration of the renal function characterized by a significant increase in serum creatinine levels, usually more than 0.5 mg/dl (44 mmol/L) or 25% of baseline levels, within 24e48 h after exposure to a contrast agent compared to baseline serum creatinine values, when alternative explanations for renal impairment have been excluded. 2 The CIN is associated with increased mortality and morbidity and costs, 3e5 in fact, although usually transient, its resolution needs 1e3 weeks on average, the impairment of renal function may be permanent in some cases with the risk of progression towards chronic renal failure and the necessity of a temporary or permanent dialysis. 6 Prevention is the key to reduce the incidence of CIN and it begins with identification of the high risk patient coupled with appropriate peri-procedural management. Many studies have been conducted to identify the main risk factors for CIN, in fact many score systems have been proposed 7e12 and increasing number of guidelines have been suggested in literature 13,14 to help lessen the complication of CIN. Available online at journal homepage: w ww.el /ihj i n d i a n h e a r t j o u r n a l 6 4 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 4 8 4 e4 9 1