<div>The increased penetration of wind power plants (WPPs) in distribution networks challenges the distribution system operators (DSOs) to improve and optimize networks’ operation. A higher amount of local power production translates to more losses in the network. This paper proposes a deterministic optimization methodology to minimize the losses in distribution networks with WPPs, by exploiting WPPs’ capability to control reactive power in coordination with the on-load tap changers from the MV/HV transformer, avoiding the need for network reinforcements. The principal objective is to optimize the reactive power flow in the network. Measurements from a real distribution network with a large share of controllable WPPs under varying wind and load conditions are used for the study. The benefits and the challenges of the optimization methodology are assessed and discussed with respect to active power losses, voltage profile and reactive power. The results show that with reactive power support from WPPs, network losses are reduced by 4.2 %. Higher loss reductions (up to 19 %) can be achieved through a coordinated action between the WPPs and TSO. Furthermore, it is shown that the distribution network can act as an asset to the transmission network for reactive power support, via actively controlling WPP’s reactive power.</div>