This conceptual paper highlights the necessity to have a proper workforce and succession planning in place in order to have the right leadership in the right place at the right time. Leaders who are incompetent or exhausted may impose adverse impacts on the effectiveness of succession planning. Nowadays, leaders face complex challenges than those in the past with increasing workloads and responsibilities to ensure that organisational agendas are sustained. Competent and skilled leaders are needed to carry out this task. Therefore, an organisation should be proactive and strategise for future performance through succession planning. This study proposes a model of competency-based succession planning in higher education institutions by reviewing the literature that focuses on the relationship between individual competency, training, personality trait, and organisational culture. The study reveals that developing talent incorporated with competency in higher education instituition is a crucial part of succession planning. Even if the institution has a systematic plan in place, succession planning will not progress smoothly unless that institution has a willing, capable, and well-prepared successor. Competency based succession planning models present a plan to build the necessary competency in the present and future, as well as a criterion for assessing academic leader requirements.