SMEs in Pakistan are not performing according to their potential. Besides other factors,they do not have a well-structured rewards package, due to which the employee motivationand commitment are low. Thus, we have developed a new model to examine the effectof rewards and packages on employee commitment and motivation. We have recruitedsix enumerators to collect the data from the target population. The enumerators havedistributed 400 questionnaires, and they received 385 filled questionnaires. The authorshave used Smart PLS version 3.2 for statistical analysis. The developed model has five directand two mediating relationships. We found support for all hypotheses. The results suggestthat financial and non-financial rewards affect employee commitment and motivation.Commitment stimulates motivation. Also, employee commitment mediates (1) nonfinancialreward and motivation and (2) financial-reward and motivation. The findings are consistent with the past literature. SMEs in Pakistan do not have a well-structured HRdepartment, and they make reward-related decisions arbitrarily. Thus, we recommend thatSMEs develop a policy for rewards that is rational and unbiased. We also recommend thatthey should balance non-financial and financial rewards.