To date, in Russia, both among scientists of various fields and among entrepreneurs of agro-industrial and forestry complexes, the demand for berry products and varietal planting material of edible honeysuckle has increased. One of the factors of increasing the efficiency of the horticulture industry in modern market conditions is high–quality planting material. Given the high labor intensity of planting material production and the lack of special equipment in nursery breeding, special attention should be paid to the introduction of effective methods and methods of reproduction. The most common way to obtain seedlings of berry crops is green cuttings. The increasing popularity of early berry crops causes an increase in demand for their planting material. To increase the production of seedlings, it is necessary to improve their cultivation technology. In addition, the variety of decorative advantages of honeysuckle attracts the attention of gardening specialists. The influence of growth regulators on the reproduction by green cuttings of four varieties of edible honeysuckle in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan has been studied. In the variant with the use of the stimulator "Kornevin", a higher percentage of rooting of cuttings was established compared to the control from 79.9 to 85.4%. Varietal influence on the rootability value was also noted, so the highest percentage of rooting of green cuttings was characterized in the Blue Spindle and Azure varieties - 81.9 and 85.4 percent. Treatments of green cuttings of edible honeysuckle with root formation stimulators had a significant impact on the yield of standard seedlings. The use of the drug "Zircon" for processing green cuttings of honeysuckle varieties provided the maximum yield of standard planting material in the experiment from 57.2% to 68.2%. Thus, as a result of our research, it was proved that the positive effect on the rooting and growth of roots was positively affected by the treatment with rhizome, and the output of standard seedlings was favourably affected by the treatment with zircon.