From past decades, energy saving has been a significant process, so countless manufacturing firms are utilizing heat exchanger (HE) for lessening energy consumption; thereby diminishing the fuel expenses. Obviously, 'HE' stands as the most critical segment for the chemical response, refining, disintegration, crystallization, aging and so forth. Here, the liquid-liquid (LL) 2-phase heat transfer contemplates were directed on a spiral plates heat exchanger (SPHE) with water as the hot fluid (HF), and octane, kerosene, dodecane, diesel, and nitrobenzene in various masses as the cold fluid (CF). Spiral plate type-HE process comprises ascertaining numerous heat transfer (HT) and also flow variables. The distance betwixt the sheets is ought to be constant to uphold the cross-sectional region throughout the spiral path of the channels. For every composition, the CF’s mass flow rate was changed by keeping the HF and fluid inlet temperature (Tin) rates steady. HF coefficients (HTC) based on predictive experiential correlations were also analyzed for Nusselt Number from experimental information by linear Mixing Rule and also by linear regression. The results attained aimed at the fluid flows together with HT provide an idea concerning how the fluids’ flow rate (FR) could be optimized, thereby, elevating the HE’s efficiency.