Background: Stone quarrying is one of the major practices carried out in the world by the construction industry. In Kenya and specifically in Mandera County area, stone quarrying industry has grown rapidly in recent years. Objective: This study thus aims at examining the impact that stone quarrying has had on the environment and the livelihood of the communities in Mandera County, Kenya. Methods: Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used for data collections and analysis. Results: The study found that stone quarrying has significantly contributed to the incomes of the stone workers, quarry owners and the community. In contrast it was found that stone quarrying also contributes towards negative impacts to the community such as degradation of land and vegetation cover, and affects the health of the residents, for example muscle pain among many quarry workers, cough/asthma, eye problem and malaria. Conclusion: The study recommends that in response to the negative human and environmental impacts experienced in Mandera County, there is need to use technologies that are user and
Original Research ArticleMing 'ate and Mohamed; JSRR, 10(5): 1-9, 2016; Article no.JSRR.24945 2 environmentally friendly and rehabilitation of quarries after use if the communities have to continue enjoying the improved livelihood due to stone quarrying.