HUMPOLÍČEK PETR, TVRDOŇ ZDENĚK, URBAN TOMÁŠ: Breeding for reproduction traits in context of multiplication herds effi ciency in swine. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013, LXI, No. 3, pp. 647-650 Presented study is a follow-up to the studies focused on eff ect of diff erent selection pressure applied on two subpopulations of purebred Czech Large White sows on performance in multiplication herds. Higher selection pressure particularly on litter size and number of function nipples, while lower pressure on growth performance was applied in one population. About 1214 farrows of 393 F1 Czech Large White sows were included into statistical evaluation. The mixed linear models using the procedure REML in SAS for Windows 9.1.2. was used. The hypothesis that progeny of sows from hyper-prolifi c subpopulation breed in multiplier herds have diff erent performance was not confi rmed which is in contrast to previous studies. This non-homogeneity can be related to non-additive genetic eff ects which are caused by crossbreeding while selection methods are based on additive models.
selection, crossbreeding, reproductionIn swine, the selection criteria and breeding methods are mainly focused on the purebred populations in breeding herds but the focus on economic effi ciency of multiplier herds are insuffi cient if we consider profi t in swine industry.