Environmental horticulture production (EHP) generates and employs approximately one-third of all specialty crop revenue and workforce, respectively. In recent years, however, EHP received only 12% of federal funds earmarked for specialty crops research from the USDA-Agricultural Research Service or the USDA-Specialty Crops Research Initiative. To increase leverage and accumulate more resources for EHP, stakeholder-driven consensus of research priorities needed to be constructed. Therefore, the Horticultural Research Institute led a professionally facilitated stakeholder roundtable discussion to achieve these priorities. Stakeholders identified trends and forces affecting EHP, its current state, a vision, and outcomes needed for success. Through consensus, four equal research priorities were constructed: 1) quantitate and validate the ecosystem services and benefits of plants on human health and wellness, 2) develop innovations in biological, mechanical, and technological systems that provide efficient, productive, and profitable solutions relevant to producer size and segment, 3) evaluate consumer-driven preferences that optimize industry-wide profitability and growth, and 4) solve ongoing and emergent industry challenges. These priorities and the successful future of EHP will be made possible by strong leaders and advocates positioned throughout industry, successfully communicating the human health, social, and economic benefits of plants, state-of-the-art technological and efficiently-designed systems, and an understanding of current and future consumers.
Index words: forces, greenhouse, innovation, nursery, roadmap, stakeholders, trends, vision.