Abstract. We examine the influence of increased resolution on four
long-standing biases using five different climate models developed within
the PRIMAVERA project. The biases are the warm eastern tropical oceans, the
double Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the warm Southern Ocean, and
the cold North Atlantic. Atmosphere resolution increases from
∼100–200 to ∼25–50 km, and ocean
resolution increases from ∼1∘ (eddy-parametrized)
to ∼0.25∘ (eddy-present). For one model, ocean
resolution also reaches 1/12∘ (eddy-rich). The ensemble mean and
individual fully coupled general circulation models and their
atmosphere-only versions are compared with satellite observations and the
ERA5 reanalysis over the period 1980–2014. The four studied biases appear
in all the low-resolution coupled models to some extent, although the
Southern Ocean warm bias is the least persistent across individual models.
In the ensemble mean, increased resolution reduces the surface warm bias and
the associated cloud cover and precipitation biases over the eastern
tropical oceans, particularly over the tropical South Atlantic. Linked to
this and to the improvement in the precipitation distribution over the
western tropical Pacific, the double-ITCZ bias is also reduced with
increased resolution. The Southern Ocean warm bias increases or remains
unchanged at higher resolution, with small reductions in the regional cloud
cover and net cloud radiative effect biases. The North Atlantic cold bias is
also reduced at higher resolution, albeit at the expense of a new warm bias
that emerges in the Labrador Sea related to excessive ocean deep mixing in
the region, especially in the ORCA025 ocean model. Overall, the impact of
increased resolution on the surface temperature biases is model-dependent in
the coupled models. In the atmosphere-only models, increased resolution
leads to very modest or no reduction in the studied biases. Thus, both the
coupled and atmosphere-only models still show large biases in tropical
precipitation and cloud cover, and in midlatitude zonal winds at higher
resolutions, with little change in their global biases for temperature,
precipitation, cloud cover, and net cloud radiative effect. Our analysis
finds no clear reductions in the studied biases due to the increase in
atmosphere resolution up to 25–50 km, in ocean resolution up to
0.25∘, or in both. Our study thus adds to evidence that further
improved model physics, tuning, and even finer resolutions might be