Effect of concentrate organic manure (wellgrow grain and wellgrow soil) and NPK improved the growth and yield of wheat. Significant improvement in terms of growth parameters like plant height, tillers, dry matter production and productive tillers with application of 120 : 60 : 60 NPK + 300 kg wellgrow soil/ha and at par with application of 120 : 60 : 60 NPK + 300 kg wellgrow grain/ha, treatment receiving 100% NPK + 300 kg wellgrow soil/ha resulted maximum grain yield (4545 kg /ha). Treatment of 100% NPK + 300 kg wellgrow grain/ha maintained higher straw yield (5715 kg/ha) and test weight (44.10 g) due to application of 100 % NPK along with 200 kg wellgrow soil/ha whereas it was at par with application of 75 and 100% NPK with both levels of wellgrow formulation.Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Poaceae) is the world's leading cereal crop cultivated over an area of about 651 mha making it the third most-produced cereal after maize and rice. The integrated use of concentrate organic materials and inorganic fertilizers has received considerable attention in the past with a hope of meeting the farmer's economic need as well as maintaining eco-friendly conditions on long-term basis (Kumar et al. 2013). Regular use of a reasonable dose of organic manure, along with crop residue recycling, is known to cater the nutrient requirements of a low to medium intensity rice-wheat cropping system (Coventry et al. 2011). However, most of the long-term INM field research in South Asia pertains to rice-wheat system (Kumar and Dhar 2010). The integrated nutrient management helps to restore and sustain fertility and crop productivity together with economy and efficiency of fertilizer. Wellgrow is a plant product formulation in grain and powder forms produced by an Indian Tobacco Company (ITC). Hence, in the present investigation the effect of different doses of wellgrow formulation and NPK fertilizers on growth, yield and yield attributes of wheat was studied.A