We report on the experimental observation of strong-field dressing of an autoionizing two-electron state in helium with intense extreme-ultraviolet laser pulses from a freeelectron laser. The asymmetric Fano line shape of this transition is spectrally resolved, and we observe modifications of the resonance asymmetry structure for increasing free-electron-laser pulse energy on the order of few tens of µJ. A quantum-mechanical calculation of the time-dependent dipole response of this autoionizing state, driven by classical extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) electric fields, reveals a direct link between strongfield-induced energy and phase shifts of the doubly excited state and the Fano line-shape asymmetry. The experimental results obtained at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) thus correspond to transient energy shifts on the order of few meV, induced by strong XUV fields. These results open up a new way of performing non-perturbative XUV nonlinear optics for the light-matter interaction of resonant electronic transitions in atoms at short wavelengths.Quantum mechanics provides a consistent description of the structure and dynamics of atoms, the constituents of our macroscopic world. In particular, it describes how bound excited states in atoms are formed through the Coulomb interaction of the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electrons. With the obvious exception of the ground state, such states possess a finite lifetime, with singly excited states decaying through photon emission via the interaction with the radiation field. For two-electron excitations of neutral atoms, the Coulomb interaction between the electrons is much more effective such that at least one electron will eventually be ionized, which typically marks the leading contribution to the decay of the excited state for the case of light atoms. Thus ionization is a fundamentally important and very basic effect that accompanies the physics of multi-electron excitations in atoms [1]. An interesting situation arises if the interaction of such states with the radiation field is significantly increased which nowadays can be achieved by using extreme ultraviolet (XUV) or x-ray light sources. In addition, the properties of these radiation fields can often be well controlled, thus providing a unique toolbox for exploring the dynamics of excited states, e.g., by performing time-resolved investigations with lab-based attosecond high-order harmonic generation (HHG) sources [2,3], or facility-based femtosecond XUV/x-ray freeelectron lasers (FELs) [4,5]. The latter deliver particularly high intensities for XUV/x-ray nonlinear optics [6] with ultrafast time resolution and site-specific core-level access [7], and nowadays even approach the attosecond regime [8].The helium atom consists of two electrons bound to a nucleus, representing the ideal case of a Coulombic three-body system, which serves as a benchmark for developing a theoretical description [1,9,10] and most importantly also for controlling the dynamics of two bound electrons with stron...