Nowadays the state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population pays special attention to the development, production and sale of functional products with the purpose of preservation and promotion of health of the population, prevention of diseases, including those caused by defective and unbalanced nutrition of children and adults. The enrichment of bread with iodine is effective and safe, technologically feasible, has a minimal impact on the price of products. The bread production according to the experimental variants was carried out by the method of test laboratory baking, followed by the assessment by quality indicators according to generally accepted methods. Iodine additives were added during the mixing of the dough with liquid components. It was established that iodine-containing raw materials had an ambiguous effect on the overall baking evaluation of bread baked from wheat-rye flour with the addition of iodine-containing raw materials. With each stage of the technological process, a gradual decrease in the iodine content in all samples occurs due to the influence of various temperatures and mechanical stress. Bread with the addition of iodine casein after kneading contains 147.75 micrograms of iodine, after proofing -126.64 micrograms, and after baking -94.99 micrograms. During storage, a similar situation is observed, for example, after 24 hours of storage the bread with the addition of iodinedar contains 68.43 μg, and after 48 hours -59.77 μg.