Along with the hypercompetitive global marketplace within which todays businesses operate (D'Avenni, 1997), is a far more complex business environment than ever before, with change being the constant. Such an environment requires broad consideration matched with advanced skills that cross multiple competencies and various areas of expertise. The 'general' of today must embody this reality, embrace change, and sophisticatedly apply the 'art of the general' i.e., strategy. This 'art' requires leadership skills, the utilization of resources, the 'arranging' of troops (structure), encompasses the organization's mission and vision, and mobilizes 'the troops' to overcome adversaries; or at least to deter them. The 'art of generalship' requires true genius in being able to 'see the victory' , and all the contributions required to reach this objective-simultaneously; i.e., 'strategy'. Furthermore, the general must possess the leadership skills and competencies to effectively communicate the longterm vision, intermediary objectives, purpose of the campaign, explicit roles and responsibilities, of 'the troops' (as well as the anticipated personal benefits once the victory has been secured), address any immediate SOP modifications needed so that all policies and procedures align with the overarching vision (inspired by Kotter, 1996)-in addition to considering the 'war room' decisions that were so admirably laid out within Hanbrick and Fredrickson's (2005) 'strategy diamond'. Strategy is not a 5-pointed diamond, as proposed by Hambrick and Fredrickson (2005), but rather a 'tapestry' of varying complexity, whose 'threads' should not be thought of as 'components' , 'elements' , or 'linear stages' to be followed, but instead, in its purest art form, strategy should be likened to a grand tapestry, complex-yet vivid; a complete masterpiece within the strategists mind, with every 'thread' clearly defined and carefully considered as to its contribution to the envisaged masterpiece. This is strategos, when each and every thread intertwines in a relationship with one another of innate coexistence and beauty.