It is a well known phenomenon in optics that spectroscopic resolution of a diffraction grating is much better compared to an interference device having just two slits, as in the Young's famous doubleslit experiment. On the other hand, it is well known that a classical superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) is analogous to the optical double-slit experiment. Here we report experiments and present a model describing a superconducting analogue to the diffraction grating, namely an array of superconducting islands positioned on a topological insulator (TI) film Bi 0.8 Sb 1.2 Te 3 . In the limit of extremely weak field, of the order of one vortex per the entire array, such devices exhibit a critical current peak that is much sharper than the analogous peak of an ordinary SQUID. Because of this, such arrays can be used as sensitive absolute magnetic field sensors. An important finding is that, due to the inherent asymmetry of such arrays, the device also acts as a superconducting diode.