The objective of this research was to analyze the applicability of the proposed interventions by the Nursing Interventions Classification for the diagnosis "Fall risks" in adults and elderly hospitalized. This is a descriptive quantitative study, performed with 23 students of the 8th period from Nursing Graduation of a Public University in João Pessoa/Paraíba, which describes the activities listed by students in the areas Basic Physiological, Complex Physiological and Safety for adults and elderly patients with diagnosis of "Fall risks", presents the comparative mapping of interventions and the listed activities by students with the proposals by this classifications, the refinement of the cross-mapping performed by expert nurses, and lastly, the opinion of students as to the applicability of NIC. As for the results, it was found 22 female students, with ages between 20 and 29 years. All answered that identify the diagnosis of "Risk of falls" in adults and elderly hospitalized, with the exception of one student; only two had access to an instrument for the evaluation "Risk of falls"; all answered that studied the subject on preventing falls in the courses of Health Attention Nursing of Adult and Elderly I and II; only two students presented researches on the thematic in scientific events. First, it was identified that activities that involve the education of patient and/or family were listed more often in interventions of fall prevention, ambient control: safety, control of medicines and therapy with exercise: balance. Were listed by students 242 activities with repetitions (187 in the area of safety, 37 in Basic Physiological area, 18, in Complex Phisiological area). The average of activities per students was 10.5. The student who most appropriated the area Security listed 16 activities. As for comparative mapping , were listed 22 interventions and 81 activities for this study. However, after mapping, it was found that remained 22 interventions and activities increased to 82, distributed in three of seven areas of classification. The intervention fall prevention was the most listed by students, followed by ambient control: safety, dementia control, medicine control, and therapy with exercise: balance. Most activities were judged as 100% agreement among expert nurses. In analysing the applicability, were considered the main interventions, assistance in self-care (0.82) and precautions against seizures (0.80). We conclude that Nursing students use hardly the classification NIC and that nursing interventions suggested by the connection NANDA-I and NIC were applicable for the diagnosis of "Risk of falls". Yet they need to be updated. It is signaled the need for clinical validation of the mapped interventions and judged for this study. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar la aplicabilidad de la propuesta de intervenciones Clasificación de Intervenciones de Enfermería para el diagnóstico de "Riesgo de caídas" en adultos y ancianos hospitalizados. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo cuantitativo, realizado con 2...