Kajian lepas berkenaan dengan sokongan berkaitan kerja di organisasi telah mendapat perhatian khusus bukan sahaja daripada ahli akademik, malah turut menerima respons yang positif daripada pengamal dalam organisasi. Dapatan kajian lepas telah membuktikan secara empirikal berkenaan dengan sokongan berkaitan kerja yang mampu mempengaruhi prestasi kerja dan kelangsungan sesebuah organisasi. Sokongan berkaitan kerja dapat difahami sebagai satu persepsi berkenaan dengan sikap yang saling menjaga dan membantu antara satu sama lain, sama ada dari segi pengawasan, bantuan kewangan, nasihat dan rasa kepunyaan dalam organisasi. Berdasarkan pemerhatian terhadap kajian lepas, sokongan berkaitan dengan kerja boleh dikategorikan kepada tiga kategori utama, iaitu sokongan penyelia, sokongan rakan kerja dan sokongan organisasi. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian lepas hanya membincangkan ketiga-tiga elemen sokongan ini secara berasingan sedangkan ketiga-tiga sokongan ini perlu dibincangkan secara integrasi kerana saling berkaitan serta melengkapi antara satu sama lain. Oleh itu, artikel ini membincangkan tentang sokongan berkaitan kerja bersandarkan penelitian kajian-kajian lepas khususnya berkaitan dengan penelitian kajian lepas mendapati bahawa terdapat tiga elemen sokongan berkaitan kerja, iaitu sokongan penyelia, sokongan rakan sekerja dan sokongan organisasi adalah diperlukan untuk memastikan prestasi kerja menjadi lebih baik dan produktiviti terus meningkat. Selain itu, artikel ini juga membincangkan kajian akan datang yang boleh dilaksanakan oleh pengkaji-pengkaji akan datang.
Previous studies on work-related support in an organization have received a lot of attention not only from the academicians but also received positive responses from practitioners as well as organizations. The finding of past studies has empirically proven that work-related support in an organization affects the work performance and the sustainability of an organization. Work-related support can be defined as a perception of individual employees related to the attitude of caring and helping each other in the organization in terms of monitoring, finances, advice, and the sense of belonging in an organization. Based on the observation from past studies, there are three categories in relation to work-related support namely support from supervisors, support from colleagues, and support from the organization. Nonetheless, the previous studies have only discussed these three elementsof support separately while these three elements of support need to be discussed integratedly because they are interrelated and complementary to each other. Therefore, more research is needed to be conducted to examine the integration of three categories. This article discusses the three categories of work-related support in an organization based solely on past studies consisting of the support from supervisors, colleagues, and the organization is essential to ensure the performance of the employees is better and helps to improve organizational productivity. In addition, this study also discusses the research issues for future researchers.