The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of strategic competence, transformational leadership and good corporate governance on organizational performance which is mediated by organizational citizenship behavior of the Presidential Security Forces. The research method used in this research is hypothesis testing. This research is quantitative, using a questionnaire given to 178 Presidential Security Force personnel. Data analysis used SPSS and PLS.3.20 software with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) multivariate analysis method. The results of this research show that the influence of strategic competence, transformational leadership and good corporate governance variables is significant and positive on organizational performance. Strategic competence influences organizational citizenship behavior. The transformational leadership variable influences organizational citizenship behavior. The influence of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational performance. The indirect influence of strategic competence, transformational leadership on organizational performance through organizational citizenship behavior, the results are supportive and positive. The indirect influence of good corporate governance has no effect and is negative on organizational performance which is mediated by organizational citizenship behavior of Presidential Security Force personnel with the strongest influence. on the transformational leadership variable on organizational performance which is mediated by organizational citizenship behavior. The research implications of the existence of good corporate governance have not yet optimally supported the organizational performance of the Presidential Security Forces and the government needs to pay attention to this in the process of improving policy settings. Strategic competence and transformational leadership the results of this research significantly strengthen the influence of strategic competence and transformational leadership on the organizational performance of the Presidential Security Forces. Organizational citizenship behavior as a mediator of good corporate governance has not been able to improve the organizational performance of the Presidential Security Forces.