Samples of roots and spatial soils of native Rubus fruticosus L. were collected from the spots positioned at different distances from the copper smelter and city heating plants in the industrial zone of the town of Bor (Serbia) and subjected to chemical analyses in order to determine the content of several heavy metals, and 15 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In this study, the results for 9 low and medium molecular weight PAHs (LMW and MMW PAHs) are represented and processed using the calculation of bio-concentration factors and statistical methods such as hierarchical cluster analysis and Pearson's correlation study with the aim of investigating the plant capabilities for their uptake from the soil and later accumulation into the root tissue, under the hostile circumstances of multiple contamination. The obtained data revealed different accumulation rates for the investigated PAHs and showed that in several cases, the contents of root PAHs were under the strong influence of present contaminants such as soil copper and some soil PAHs, indicating at the same time that R. fruticosus can regulate the processes of LMW and MMW PAHs extraction/accumulation using different mechanisms, depending on the existing environmental circumstances. The used mechanisms could be exploited in phytoremediation methods based not only on the extraction and concentration of PAHs in plant roots but also on PAH degradation or stabilization in the soil. Also, the results of this study confirmed that, except in the case of naphthalene and fluoranthene, there was no PAH pollution, which originated solely from the industrial zone.