Removable partial denture prostheses are still being used for anatomic, medical and
economic reasons. However, the impact on chewing parameters is poorly described.ObjectivesThe objective of this study was to estimate the impact of removable partial
denture prosthesis on masticatory parameters.Material and MethodsNineteen removable partial denture prosthesis (RPDP) wearers participated in the
study. Among them, 10 subjects were Kennedy Class III partially edentulous and 9
with posterior edentulism (Class I). All presented a complete and full dentate
opposing arch. The subjects chewed samples of carrots and peanuts with and without
their prosthesis. The granulometry of the expectorated boluses from carrot and
peanuts was characterized by median particle size (D50), determined at the natural
point of swallowing. Number of chewing cycles (CC), chewing time (CT) and chewing
frequency (CF=CC/CT) were video recorded.ResultsWith RPDP, the mean D50 values for carrot and peanuts were lower [Repeated Model
Procedures (RMP), F=15, p<0.001] regardless of the type of Kennedy Class. For
each food, mean CC, CT and CF values recorded decreased (RMP, F=18, F=9, and F=20
respectively, p<0.01). With or without RPD, the boluses' granulometry values
were above the masticatory normative index (MNI) determined as 4,000 µm.ConclusionRPDP rehabilitation improves the ability to reduce the bolus particle size, but
does not reestablish fully the masticatory function.Clinical relevanceThis study encourages the clinical improvement of oral rehabilitation