The COVID-19 pandemic placed unprecedented pressure on students and educators around the world, calling for a major shift in the delivery of educational lessons to implement remote learning opportunities in place of in-person classes. The shift to remote learning practices was particularly difficult for courses, such as pedology, that rely heavily on place-based or active learning strategies. In this study, the authors investigate student response to remote delivery of field experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in an upper division pedology course that is typically taught in-person and outdoors. Five field practicums were delivered remotely throughout the semester, for which students were provided with a take-home field kit, soils from four profiles, and access to online resources needed to complete each assignment. Student perceptions on the efficacy of, value of, and engagement with remote delivery were assessed via pre-and post-surveys. Survey responses suggest that students' level of experience improved over the course of the semester and perceptions on the efficacy of, value of, and engagement with remote learning showed positive improvement. Although the majority of students were grateful for these alternative experiences, responses also expressed that remote delivery options are not favored over in-person field experiences. Remote delivery of field experiences also presents a potential solution to the limits in accessibility inherent to field-based courses.
INTRODUCTIONSoil science is an inherently interdisciplinary and handson subject. The field itself comprises several subdisciplines including soil microbiology and ecology, soil physics, pedology, soil health and fertility, soil chemistry, soil biogeochemistry, and soil management, among many others. Thus, the study and application of soil science is complex yet valuable to a wide variety of landscapes, ecosystems, and communities. Due to these factors, soil science courses are taught to a diversity of students (i.e., soil science majors and non-majors) and typically involve lecture, laboratory, and field practicum components, which aim to impart fundamental concepts, demon-Abbreviations: LO, learning objective.