Tc99-m scintigraphy can confirm ectopic thyroid tissue and differentiate it from other causes of mediastinal masses. If surgery is considered, Tc99-m is also used to determine the presence of orthotopic thyroid tissue. In this case the mass had no uptake on Tc99-m. False negative Tc99-m results can occur due to lack of concentration by the ectopic thyroid tissue, necrosis, carcinoma or a substernal location (due to a high level of background activity in the heart and great vessels). Iodine-123 is trapped more efficiently by the thyroid tissue and is the preferred agent in imaging intrathoracic thyroid tissue. 4 In this case, iodine-123 was not locally available so only Tc99-m could be used.Minimally invasive sampling is readily achieved via EBUS-TBNA to confirm ectopic thyroid tissue and exclude malignancy or other benign pathologies.5 EBUS-TBNA has a high sensitivity and negative predictive value for malignancy in the mediastinal lymph nodes, with quoted sensitivities of between 93-97% and negative predictive values of between 89-97% in recent publications. 1,5,6 There is a paucity of published data relating to EBUS-TBNA in thyroid lesions, but one case series of 12 patients demonstrated EBUS-TBNA correctly detected three malignant cases and was correctly negative in the remaining nine benign cases confirmed on follow-up or further biopsy. 7 In euthyroid, asymptomatic patients, regular follow-up is advised given the risk (albeit low) of malignant transformation. Larger, symptomatic masses are managed surgically.In the case we present here, the symptoms of cough and breathlessness were attributed to the patient's known asthma and obstructive sleep apnoea. The weight loss stabilised after resolution of a domestic issue which had been causing the patient anxiety and subsequently normalised on follow-up. Given the normal flow-volume loop, size and location of the mass, and the patient's comorbidities, the mass was not thought to be contributing to the symptoms reported. Given the high negative predictive value of EBUS-TBNA mentioned above, 1,5,6 the clinical stability of the patient and the stability of serial neck ultrasound on the patient over a 12-month period, we were confident the mass was not malignant. The patient continues under rigorous clinical follow-up with serial neck ultrasound.In conclusion, this case highlights ectopic thyroid tissue as a rare and important differential for mediastinal masses and illustrates the value but also the limitations of technetium scintigraphy when suspecting this diagnosis and complementary utility of EBUS-TBNA when scintigraphy is non-avid. Correct early diagnosis may avoid unnecessary patient anxiety, further invasive tests and consequent morbidity.
learning points for CliniCiansEctopic normal thyroid tissue in the mediastinum may not be highlighted by positron emission tomography . This can normally be confirmed using technetium scintigraphy to avoid biopsy. However, false negative results on technetium scintigraphy can occur with mediastinal ectopic thyroid tissue in a...