The potential affection of any construction, and especially historical sites, is of great concern for their long-term maintenance and stability. This study has determined the vibration behavior in poor-quality rock mass conditions generated by some of the most typical equipment used in construction: excavator, ripper, ripper vibrator, hydraulic hammer, bulldozer and vibrating roller. Several empirical expressions are proposed to know the maximum velocity at different distances for each type of equipment, taking into account the intensity of the vibration generated and its pattern. A general equation has also been defined to determine the vibration propagation along the distance at a construction site, based on the impact generated by all the possible vibration elements, exogenous and endogenous, including machinery working individually or in any possible combination and number. On the other hand, the maximum allowable velocity in the case study is also discussed and compared to international standards, stating some recommendations. It would be very important to have a clear legislation in this regard due to the high density of sensitive constructions in Spain and the economic implications of applying too high or too low standard values.