Food consumption patterns of Sri Lankan citizens are changing drastically towards fast and junk foods within the last decade. As a consequence of adverse food intake, Sri Lankan population has undergone the risk of obesity, raised blood pressure, raised blood sugar level and deposition of bad cholesterol. Labels not only aid consumer choices, but they also guide him to healthy living by avoiding adverse intake. Now a days, many fast food restaurants and supermarkets sell modern sophisticated foods rushed into Jaffna and consumers are also attracted towards such places. The objective of this study is to identify the sociodemographic features and individual behaviors that influence the food label usage and to identify the consumer groups in order to find out the market for food labeling. A total of 158 respondents were interviewed in Valikamam DS division for this survey. In order to identify the key determinants of whether an individual reads food labels when buying a familiar product, 15 explanatory variables were analysed using logistic regression. Therefore, the study concludes that the determinants that influence whether an individual reads food labels when buying familiar product. These include Special dietary status, marital status, whether an individual reads nutrition panel of familiar product and if the household income group earns less than 250000/=annually when other income group earn above or equal 400000/= annually. Among them, married and those who are not reading nutritional labels on familiar products have negative significant impacts.