Tropical coral reef organisms are predicted to be especially sensitive to ocean warming because many already live close to their upper thermal limit, and the expected rise in ocean CO 2 is proposed to further reduce thermal tolerance. Little, however, is known about the thermal sensitivity of a diverse and abundant group of reef animals, the gastropods. The humpbacked conch (Gibberulus gibberulus gibbosus), inhabiting subtidal zones of the Great Barrier Reef, was chosen as a model because vigorous jumping, causing increased oxygen uptake (Ṁ O2 ), can be induced by exposure to odour from a predatory cone snail (Conus marmoreus). We investigated the effect of present-day ambient (417-454 µatm) and projected-future (955-987 µatm) P CO2 on resting (Ṁ O2,rest ) and maximum (Ṁ O2,max ) Ṁ O2 , as well as Ṁ O2 during hypoxia and critical oxygen tension (P O2,crit ), in snails kept at present-day ambient (28°C) or projectedfuture temperature (33°C). Ṁ O2,rest and Ṁ O2,max were measured both at the acclimation temperature and during an acute 5°C increase. Jumping caused a 4-to 6-fold increase in Ṁ O2 , and Ṁ O2,max increased with temperature so that absolute aerobic scope was maintained even at 38°C, although factorial scope was reduced. The humpbacked conch has a high hypoxia tolerance with a P O2,crit of 2.5 kPa at 28°C and 3.5 kPa at 33°C. There was no effect of elevated CO 2 on respiratory performance at any temperature. Long-term temperature records and our field measurements suggest that habitat temperature rarely exceeds 32.6°C during the summer, indicating that these snails have aerobic capacity in excess of current and future needs.