Abstract. The effect of short-term S0 2 fumigation on photosynthesis and transpiration of Vicia faba L.was measured at different irradiances and so2concentrations. At high irradiances photosynthetic rates were reduced when leaves were exposed to S0 2 , and the magnitude of the reduction was linearly related to the rate of S0 2 uptake through the stomata. Photosynthetic rates stabilized within 2 h after the start of fumigation.The effect of S0 2 on photosynthesis was measured at different C0 2 concentrations to analyse the contribution of stomatal and non-stomatal factors to photosynthetic inhibition. Mesophyll resistance to C0 2 diffusion increased as a result of SOi exposure and caused a rapid reduction in photosynthesis after the start of fumigation. Stomatal resistance was not affected directly by S0 2 fumigation, but indirectly as a result of a feedback loop between net photosynthesis and internal C0 2 concentration.Analysis of gas-exchange measurements in biochemical terms indicated that photosynthetic inhibition during S0 2 exposure can be explained by a stronger reduction in the affinity of RBP carboxylase/oxygenase for C0 2 than for 0 2 •