AbstrucZ -The growth in high volume market in variable speed drives is expected due to emerging applications in home appliances, hvac drives, professional hand tools, automobile accessories, fans, pumps, and process drives. Almost all of these applications do not require precise positioning or speed control and hence of low performance types. They are very costsensitive as the make or break decision about their introduction is primarily decided by the cost only, in spite of their advantages in terms of energy savings and control and operational fleribilities. The inverter Controlled induction motor drive is a strong competitor for such applications due to the low cost of the motor and to its inherent features such as the simplicity of control requiring no sensors in these low performance applications, brushless as it has no slip rings thus making it truly almost maintenance-free, robust and proven construction and operation. But most of the variable speed induction motor drive's cost comes from the inverter and its controller. These low performance applications require less than or equal to $35 per hp in the cost of the inverter and its controller. In addition is the requirement that the packaging be smallest possible compared to the currently available in the market place and should be within 100 cubic inches including the enclosure.This paper addresses issues of design and development of such a low cost inverter and its controller to obtain one hp variable speed induction motor drives. The various issues addressed in detail are: specifications, appropriate control strategy and drive confmration, design of control circuits, their layout in printed circuit boards, layout of power circuit, switching and conduction losses and development of compact cooling arrangement, tuning, ease of manufacturability and packaging. Results from a fully packaged one horsepower experimental inverter controlled induction motor drive system are presented to correlate the key design aspects and design specifications.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTAuthors are g r a t a to Mr. R Jordan, CEO and President,