Top-down and bottom-up mass spectrometry methods can generate gas phase fragments and use these to identify proteins. Top-down methods, in addition, can provide the mass of the protein itself and therefore additional structural information. Despite the conceptual advantage of top-down methods, the market share advantage belongs to bottom-up methods as a result of their more robust sample preparation, fragmentation, and data processing methods. Here we report improved fragmentation and data processing methods for top-down mass spectrometry. Specifically we report the use of funnel-skimmer dissociation, a variation of nozzle-skimmer dissociation, and compare its performance with electron capture dissociation. We also debut BIG Mascot, an extended version of Mascot with incorporated top-down MS 2 search ability and the first search engine that can perform both bottom-up and top-down searches. Using BIG Mascot, we demonstrated the ability to identify proteins 1) using only intact protein MS Ionization and detection of intact proteins have been possible for 20 years (1, 2). This breakthrough, combined with the development of methods of intact protein fragmentation (3-9) and database searching (10 -12), gave rise to top-down mass spectrometric approaches of protein analysis (13-19). Although top-down proteomics excels in the area of protein variant and post-translational modification (PTM) 1 characterization (14, 20, 21), comprehensive protein identification is an area for improvement (22-24). Top-down proteomics is hampered by the lack of a sample preparation technique as generally applicable as in-gel digestion (25), the lack of a fragmentation technique as robust as collisionally activated dissociation (CAD) of peptides (26), and the lack of compatibility of top-down MS data with all popular bottom-up software (27), including Mascot (28), Sequest (29), Protein Prospector (30), and Peptide Search (31). Recent improvements in these areas include the following: 1) separation techniques compatible with top-down analysis (18, 32); 2) fragmentation techniques, including nozzle-skimmer dissociation (3, 33-35), electron transfer dissociation (7, 8), prefolding dissociation (9), and activated ion electron capture dissociation (ECD) (5), which extended the protein upper mass limit to 229 kDa for top-down methods (9); and 3) a search engine as advanced as any bottom-up software; ProSight PTM (11, 12, 36) was developed and integrated with a comprehensive MS database within the Xcalibur software suite (Thermo Finnigan, San José , CA). Our objectives here are (i) to help develop an extended version of Mascot that incorporates top-down MS 2 search ability and (ii) to infer its search sensitivity and selectivity. Here we present BIG Mascot, the first general use search engine that can perform both bottom-up and top-down MS 2 searches. Mascot has been one of the most widely used database search engines because of its probability-based scoring method (28), its superior performance (37, 38), and its fast operating algorithm. However,...