P-band radiometry has been demonstrated to have a deeper sensing depth than L-band, making the consideration of multilayer microwave interactions necessary. In addition, the scattering and phase interference effects are different at the Pband, requiring a reconsideration of the need for coherent models. However, the impact remains to be clarified, and understanding the validity and limitations of these models at both L-and P-bands is crucial for their refinement and application. Therefore, two general categories of microwave emission models, including two stratified coherent models (Njoku and Wilhite) and four incoherent models (conventional tau-omega model and three multilayer models being zero-order, first-order, and incoherent solution), were intercompared for the first time on the same dataset. This evaluation utilized observations of L-and P-bands radiometry under different land cover conditions from a tower-based experiment in Victoria,