This article deals with systematization of the categories of emotional intelligence, emotional potential and a relationship between emotions and feelings, and emphasizes the importance of a sustainably developed personality in the context of sustainable education (Jovaiša, 2007, 2011). The inward consistency is perceived as an internal human orientation, showing itself in positive relationship with the exterior world and the individual (Pileckaitė-Markovienė, 2002). A person with a strong sense of internal consistency has a stronger motivation and appears to be more resistant to stress. Educating children to become emotionally sustainable individuals, means helping them to solve their emotional issues, in order to learn important behaviour strategies and to experience positive interactions with their environment. Children who receive emotional education remain more composed and stable in critical situations. They are able to deal with their feelings, even the negative ones, more easily. Such children are less vulnerable to various illnesses and diseases; they experience less anger and aggression.
This article analyzes a system of means and methods for development of intelligence in childhood in the context of sustainable education. It also presents and analyzes the results of recently accomplished research. The aim of the research is to evaluate possibilities and opportunities for development of emotional intelligence in pre-school education institutions and family environment. The article analyses the system of means and measures that aim to develop emotional sustainability in young, preschool children, as it presents and analyses results of the conducted research. The purpose of this research is to assess the emotional potential in children, and the possibilities of educating for emotional sustainability at preschool institutions and within the family environment. The research has targeted preschool pedagogues and parents, who are raising preschool children. The results have shown that respondents do perceive the existence of difference between concepts of emotions and feelings. Childrenís emotions are constantly changing, i.e., they equally display both negative and positive emotions, and, as a result, these emotions may have a fortifying or weakening effect on childrenís emotional sustainability. Emotional intelligence is one of components of inward consistency, and its development in sustainable education is a long, consecutive and continuous activity. Accordingly, the respondents attempt to improve every day and in every possible way. Development of emotional intelligence is a long and consistent work that needs to be practised daily through a variety of activities. In contrast to parents, pedagogues tend to believe that children are the best at assessing and understanding the feelings of other people. The respondents agree that the greatest effect on a childís emotional sustainability comes from family, education and environment. Respondents agree that family, upbringing and environment make the supreme impact on intelligence.