The global work landscape has undergone a significant transformation in the aftermath of the pandemic in 2019, resulting in the widespread adoption of remote working or working from home (WFH) practices. This paradigm shift has necessitated the adaptation of business strategies and the implementation of novel remote work policies by human resources (HR) and management departments within technology companies. Nevertheless, this rapid transition in the work model has introduced a range of benefits and drawbacks that warrant careful examination in terms of their impact on efficiency, challenges, recruitment processes, training, and psychological well-being.
Research aims
The primary objective of this study is to investigate and comprehend the impact of remote work applications within technology companies, specifically focusing on the changes experienced by management departments, challenges, recruitment practices, communication and engagement strategies, performance evaluation methods, and training programs.
The study sample comprised of nine executives/managers who were currently employed in five distinct multinational technology companies. The research approach employed was qualitative in nature, utilizing a combination of interview, document review, and observation techniques.
The findings reveal varied impacts of remote work on organizational functioning in technology companies. Challenges in functions, responsibilities, and employee engagement were observed. Online evaluation systems and meetings were commonly adopted. The research supports the hypothesis and emphasizes the need for adaptation and tailored approaches in remote work environments.