Selenium (Se) is a beneficial element for higher plants and its positive effect on plants growth and performance has been reported. Effect of Se under non-stress conditions especially during reproductive phase has not been attracted enough attention. In this work effect of Se supplementation at 0, 10 and 20 μg Se plant -1 was studied in canola (Brassica napus'RGS') plants during vegetative and reproductive phase of growth under greenhouse conditions. Selenium addition resulted in a significant enhancement of dry matter production of vegetative parts as well as pod and seed dry weight. In addition, Se supplementation caused a considerable acceleration of reproductive events. In vegetative plants, higher photosynthesis rate, carbohydrates and protein content in the leaves was observed in Se treated plants compared with control. Our results suggested beneficial effect of Se on canola seed yield that may also contribute in improving nutritional value of canola for livestock and human.Key words: flowering, pod dry weight, reproductive phase, seed yield
IZVLEČEK DODATEK SELENA POSPEŠUJE RAST IN REPRODUKCIJO PRI RASTLINAH KANOLE (Brassica napus L.)Selen (Se) je za višje rastline koristen element, znani so njegovi ugodni vplivi na rast rastlin. Pri rastlinah, ki rastejo v nestresnih razmerah, zlasti v reproduktivni fazi razvoja, učinki Se še niso bili ustrezno raziskani. V tem delu so avtorji raziskovali dodatek Se (0, 10 in 20 μg Se na rastlino) pri kanoli (Brassica napus L., cv. RGS) tekom vegetativne in reproduktivne faze. Dodatek Se je povzročil značilno povečanje sušine vegetativnih delov, luskov in semen. Dodatek Se je vplival tudi na pospešitev poteka reprodukcije. Pri rastlinah je bila ugotovljena tudi povečana fotosinteza, večja vsebnost ogljikovih hidratov in beljakovin v listih tretiranih rastlin v primerjavi s kontrolo. Rezultati kažejo na ugoden vpliv Se na pridelek kanole, kar lahko vpliva tudi na izboljšano hranilno vrednost te poljščine za živali in ljudi.