“…For the FN400 analysis, electrode sites for analysis included midline frontal (electrodes FFC1h, FFC2h, FCz, FCC3h, FCC4h, FCC1h, FCC2h) and midline central (electrodes CP1, CCP1h, CCP2h, CP2) ROIs. For the LPC analysis, electrode sites for analysis included midline parietal (electrodes CPz, CCP2h, CPP1h, P1, Pz, P2), right parietal (electrodes CP4, CP6, TP8, P6, PO4, P8, P4, P10), midline occipital (electrodes POO1, POz, Oz, POO2), and right occipital (electrodes O2, PO8, POO10h, PPO10h, P12) ROIs, based on previous data [Desaunay et al, 2017] and neuroimaging studies using visual stimuli [e.g., Achim & Lepage, 2005].…”