Aims: This research will look at the extent of the influence of Social Media Marketing Activities carried out by Avoskin Beauty to market their products so that potential; consumers are interested in buying products offered by Avoskin Beauty which are mediated by Customer Engagement.
Study Design: A quantitative approach used a questionnaire comprising 205 respondents through purposive sampling.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was taken place at Pontianak, West Kalimantan with Social Media TikTok as a background study and was conducted between July 2022 and December 2022.
Methodology: We included 205 respondents (166 female, 39 male; age range 17-30 years) who know Avoskin products through TikTok social media and follow the TikTok account @avoskinbeauty. Sampling locations were carried out by distributing questionnaires online in various cities in Indonesia.
Results: These results indicate that the t-count values for the Social Interaction, Sharing of Information, Surveillance, and Attraction variables on Customer Engagement and the effect of Customer Engagement on Purchase Intention are more significant than the t-table value of 1.96. Likewise, the p-value obtained shows a value smaller than 0.05 (α = 0.05). Based on these results, it can be stated that the variables Social Interaction, Sharing of Information, Surveillance, and Attraction have a significant influence on Customer Engagement, and Customer Engagement has a significant influence on Purchase Intention.
Conclusion: This study illustrates that marketing through social media, primarily through the TikTok platform, can be a favorable consideration for business people who want to market their products to attract broad market attention. The Social Media Marketing Activities studied have a substantial effect on giving the interest to have the intention to buy the products offered. It can be a consideration for prospective business people and interested stakeholders to create a sustainable business with relevant opportunities in the present.