This study investigates the impact of social media reels and short videos, particularly on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, on the self-esteem and social behavior of Bangladeshi teenagers. Utilizing a qualitative case study design, we conducted in-depth interviews with 15 participants, including 13 teenagers, an educator, and a social media expert from urban areas in Bangladesh. The findings reveal that exposure to curated, idealized content on these platforms fosters social comparison, contributing to lowered self-esteem, especially among female participants. The algorithm-driven nature of short-form video platforms encourages compulsive usage, which intensifies body image concerns and leads to addictive behaviors. Parental mediation and cultural norms in Bangladesh influence these effects by either amplifying pressures or reducing the negative impact of social media. The study concludes by recommending targeted digital literacy initiatives and increased parental involvement to promote healthier social media habits among teenagers.