g Sputum acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy has suboptimal sensitivity but remains the most commonly used laboratory test to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). We prospectively evaluated the small membrane filtration (SMF) method that concentrates AFB in a smaller area to facilitate detection to improve the diagnostic performance of microscopy. We enrolled adults with suspicion of pulmonary TB from health facilities in southwestern Uganda. Clinical history, physical examination, and 3 sputum samples were obtained for direct fluorescent AFB smear, SMF, Xpert MTB/RIF, and MGIT culture media. Sensitivity and specificity were estimated for SMF, AFB smear, and Xpert MTB/RIF, using MGIT as the reference standard.
Direct acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy of unconcentrated sputum has been the mainstay of tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis for more than a century, especially in resource-constrained settings, where more than 90% of the cases and TB-related deaths occur (1). Direct AFB smear microscopy is inexpensive, is specific in high-TB-prevalence settings, and can rapidly identify the most infectious patients (i.e., sputum AFB positive) (2, 3). However, sputum AFB has suboptimal sensitivity, particularly in populations with a low Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacillary load in sputum (i.e., paucibacillary TB), such as children, those with extrapulmonary TB, and persons with HIV infection (4). Overall, the diagnostic sensitivity of the direct sputum AFB smear ranges between 30% and 75%, often leading to delayed diagnosis, continued transmission, and poor outcomes (5, 6).Several methods have been evaluated to increase the sensitivity of smear microscopy. These include the use of chemicals, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NALC), or sodium hypochlorite (bleach), to liquefy and concentrate sputum (7-9), use of light-emitting diodes to improve visualization (10, 11), and physical measures, such as centrifugation or gravity sedimentation (12, 13). A systematic review showed that sputum centrifugation plus a chemical (NALC or NaOH) can improve the yield of smear microscopy up to 39% (14). However, centrifuges are expensive, require electricity, and are biosafety level 3, as they carry a potential risk of aerosolization, and some bacilli may be lost in the supernatant. In general, given the widespread use and operational benefits of smear microscopy, any technology that increases its yield would be of great value.The small membrane filtration (SMF) is a novel method that concentrates bacilli from clinical samples by filtrating the sputum digests through a 25-mm-diameter polycarbonate membrane filter (15). After filtration, the membrane is fixed to a glass slide that can be stained and examined for AFB with standard methods. In the initial proof-of-concept studies that used individual filters connected to a rudimentary, plastic-made vacuum manifold, SMF showed an absolute incremental yield of up to 40% compared to direct smear, but the filtration failure rate (5% to 20%) was unac-