Air transport development trends were disrupted as a result of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the emergence of a global pandemic. During this difficult period, the largest drop in the number of air passengers in history occurred. For example, in 2020, compared to 2019, there was a global decrease in the number of passengers in air transport by 60% and in Poland by 70%. Temporary restrictions were introduced, related to, inter alia, the cancellation of flights from countries with a high incidence rate, a mandatory SARS-CoV-2 virus test or a quarantine order upon arrival. The main aim of the study was to present the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on passenger traffic at Polish airports. Attempts were made to obtain answers to the following questions: (1) what were the changes in the number of passengers served in Poland before and during the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) what actions/restrictions were taken in the field of air transport in the face of an increased number of COVID-19 cases; and (3) how has the SARS-CoV-2 virus affected airports and air carriers in Poland. The research was based on the statistical data of: the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Eurostat, Eurocontrol, and the Polish Central Statistical Office. The study presents the situation as of the end of 2021.