In our research paper, we display an overview of different mobility models in ad hoc wireless networks. We demonstrate that gathering movement happens much of the time in specially appointed networks, and present another mobility model that is exceptionally effective and optimal for MANETs i.e. Optimal and Effective Mobility Model (OEMM) to speak to the relationship among portable hosts. OEMM can be promptly connected to numerous current applications. In addition, by appropriate selection of parameters, OEMM can be utilized to model a few mobility models which were beforehand proposed. One of the primary topics of this paper is to explore the effect of the mobility model on the execution of a particular network protocol or application. To this end, we have connected our OEMM model to two distinctive network protocol situations, bunching and directing, and have assessed network execution under various mobility designs and for various protocol usage. Not surprisingly, the outcomes demonstrate that distinctive mobility designs influence the different protocols in various ways. Specifically, the positioning of steering calculations is affected by the decision of mobility design.