Raman scattering experiments on LaFeAsO with splitted antiferromagnetic (TAF M = 140 K) and tetragonal-orthorhombic (TS = 155 K) transitions show a quasi-elastic peak (QEP) in B2g symmetry (2 Fe tetragonal cell) that fades away below ∼ TAF M and is ascribed to electronic nematic fluctuations. A scaling of the reported shear modulus with the T −dependence of the QEP height rather than the QEP area indicates that magnetic degrees of freedom drive the structural transition. The large separation between TS and TAF M in LaFeAsO compared with their coincidence in BaFe2As2 manifests itself in slower dynamics of nematic fluctuations in the former. The discovery of Fe-based superconductors (FeSCs) with high transition temperatures (above 100 K in FeSe films [1]) triggered much interest on these materials [2][3][4][5]. Nematicity, characterized by large in-plane electronic transport anisotropy [6], is normally observed below a tetragonal-orthorhombic transition temperature T S , and seems to be also present in other high-T c superconductors [7]. Also, divergent nematic susceptibility in the optimal doping regime suggests that nematic fluctuations play an important role in the superconducting pairing mechanism [8]. Thus, investigations of the nematic order and fluctuations in FeSCs and their parent materials are pivotal to unraveling the origin of high-T c superconductivity. Clearly, it is necessary to identify the primary order parameter associated with the nematic phase [4, 5]. A relation between nematicity and magnetism is suggested by the near coincidence between T S and the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering temperature T AF M in some materials, most notably BaFe 2 As 2 with T AF M ∼ T S = 138 K [9,10]. In fact, the magnetic ground state is a stripe AFM phase that breaks the 4-fold tetragonal symmetry of the lattice (see Fig. 1(a)), providing a natural mechanism for electronic anisotropy. On the other hand, T S and T AF M are significantly separated for LaFeAsO (LFAO) (T AF M = 140 K and T S = 155 K) [11][12][13], while FeSe does not order magnetically at ambient pressure but still shows a nematic transition at T S = 90 K [14], motivating suggestions that the nematic transition may be driven by charge/orbital degrees of freedom rather than magnetism in the latter [16,17]. However, even for FeSe the magnetic scenario may still apply [18]. In * Present address: Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA.Ba(Fe 1−x Co x ) 2 As 2 and other doped systems, the splitting between T AF M and T S increases with doping [9,15]. Overall, the primary order parameter that drives the structural/nematic transition at T S and the dominating mechanism of T AF M /T S separation in parent FeSCs are not fully settled yet.Raman scattering was recently employed as a probe of nematic fluctuations in FeSCs and their parent materials. In A(Fe 1−x Co x ) 2 As 2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu) [1, 4,19,21,22,24,25], Ba 1−p K p Fe 2 As 2 [25], FeSe [26,27] and NaFe 1−x Co x As [28], a quasi-elastic ...