Background: SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has caused a worldwide health crisis, impacting millions of individuals across the globe. The aim of this study was to conduct an epidemiological investigation into the progression of COVID-19 in the North African region, encompassing Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, from January 2020 to May 2023, with a primary focus on analyzing and understanding the COVID-19 data in these five North African countries. Materials & Methods: This research aimed to observe and analyze an international database from our World in Data, using SPSS and Excel, considering the number of COVID-19 cases, fatalities, and vaccination rates in the five specified North African countries. Findings: Over the course of three years, a total of 3,722,560 new COVID-19 cases and 83,860 deaths were documented in North African countries, and the year 2021 emerged as the most devastating period with the highest number of COVID-19 cases (1,767,410) and fatalities (50,341) across the region. Among the countries studied, Morocco (34.23% ) and Tunisia (31%) of cases, reported the highest infection rates. Similarly, the highest death tolls were recorded in Tunisia (35%) and Egypt ( 30%). Additionally, Morocco led the vaccination efforts in the region, administering 47% of the total of 384,851,069 vaccine doses.
Conclusion:The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a significant global health challenge, affecting each North African country differently, depending on various factors such as their population, control measures, and vaccination campaigns. This study emphasizes the importance of continued efforts and tailored strategies for each country in the region to combat the pandemic and effectively address the ongoing crisis.