Temporal pattern of left ventricular structural and functional remodeling following reversal of volume overload heart failure. J Appl Physiol 111: 1778 -1788. First published September 1, 2011 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00691.2011.-Current surgical management of volume overload-induced heart failure (HF) leads to variable recovery of left ventricular (LV) function despite a return of LV geometry. The mechanisms that prevent restoration of function are unknown but may be related to the timing of intervention and the degree of LV contractile impairment. This study determined whether reduction of aortocaval fistula (ACF)-induced LV volume overload during the compensatory stage of HF results in beneficial LV structural remodeling and restoration of pump function. Rats were subjected to ACF for 4 wk; a subset then received a load-reversal procedure by closing the shunt using a custom-made stent graft approach. Echocardiography or in vivo pressure-volume analysis was used to assess LV morphology and function in sham rats; rats subjected to 4-, 8-, or 15-wk ACF; and rats subjected to 4-wk ACF followed by 4-or 11-wk reversal. Structural and functional changes were correlated to LV collagen content, extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, and hypertrophic markers. ACF-induced volume overload led to progressive LV chamber dilation and contractile dysfunction. Rats subjected to shortterm reversal (4-wk ACF ϩ 4-wk reversal) exhibited improved chamber dimensions (LV diastolic dimension) and LV compliance that were associated with ECM remodeling and normalization of atrial and brain natriuretic peptides. Load-independent parameters indicated LV systolic (preload recruitable stroke work, Ees) and diastolic dysfunction (tau, arterial elastance). These changes were associated with an altered ␣/-myosin heavy chain ratio. However, these changes were normalized to sham levels in long-term reversal rats (4-wk ACF ϩ 11-wk reversal). Acute hemodynamic changes following ACF reversal improve LV geometry, but LV dysfunction persists. Gradual restoration of function was related to normalization of eccentric hypertrophy, LV wall stress, and ECM remodeling. These results suggest that mild to moderate LV systolic dysfunction may be an important indicator of the ability of the myocardium to remodel following the reversal of hemodynamic overload.hemodynamics; cardiac remodeling/hypertrophy; collagen THE INCIDENCE OF HEART FAILURE (HF) is increasing due to an aging population and improved management of diseases that are precursors to ventricular dysfunction. The successes of therapeutic advances over the past decades have dramatically decreased mortality rates, such that the focus has now shifted towards reducing morbidities (12). As a result, cardiac remodeling has become a primary therapeutic target in patients with heart failure. Strategies to prevent or reverse adverse left ventricular (LV) remodeling include pharmacotherapy, surgical interventions, and device-based-therapies such as left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) and cardiac resynchro...